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in Biology by (33.3k points)
As part of assisted reproductive technologies (ART),

(a) What is the destination for blastomeres with a count of less than 8 cells and more than 8 cells?

(b) What could be the reason behind transferring to the destinations identified in (a)?

(c) What techniques are used to transfer the blastomeres to the destinations identified in (a)?

1 Answer

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by (268k points)
Best answer
(a) For less than 8 cells, blastomere is transferred to the fallopian tube.

For more than 8 cells, blastomere is transferred to the uterus.

(b) Embryos with more than 8 cells are generally considered healthier and have a better chance of successful implantation and further development and hence are placed in the uterus and not the fallopian tube.

(c) For less than 8 cells, zygote intra-fallopian transfer is done.

For more than 8 cells, the intra-2 uterine transfer is done.