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in Science by (33.3k points)
An organic compound ‘P’ is a constituent of wines. ‘P’ on reacting with acidified K2Cr2O7 forms another compound ‘Q’. When a piece of sodium is added to ‘Q’, a gas ‘R’ evolves which burns with a pop sound when a burning matchstick is brought near it.

(a) Give the chemical name of compound P.

(b) Mention another use of the compound ‘P’ apart from the use mentioned in the question.

(c) Illustrate with the help of chemical equation the conversion of ‘P’ into ‘Q’.

(d) Give a balanced equation to depict the reaction of Q with sodium.

(e) What happens when ‘P’ is heated with conc. H2SO4 at 443 K, write its chemical equation.

1 Answer

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by (268k points)
Best answer

(a) P = Ethanol 

(b) Industrial solvent/ ingredient of cough syrup/ homeopathic medicine/lab reagent - anyone or any other 

C2H5OH —--acidified K2Cr2O7—---> CH3COOH  

(P)                                                            (Q) 

(c) 2Na + 2CH3COOH —-------> 2CH3COONa + H2 

(Q)                                                (R) 

(d) Dehydration of ethanol occurs / 

C2H5OH —--conc.H2SO4—->C2H4 + H2

