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At which age can children engage in word play and like jokes and riddles that involve a play on words?

किस आयु में बच्चे शब्दों के खेल में शामिल हो सकते हैं और ऐसे चुटकुलों और पहेलियों को पसंद कर सकते हैं जिनमें शब्दों का खेल शामिल हो ?

(A) Twelve years (बारह वर्ष)

(B) One year (एक वर्ष)

(C) Three years (तीन वर्ष)

(D) Seven years (सात वर्ष)

1 Answer

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Best answer

Correct option is (C) Three years

Explanation: Children's development varies, but generally, wordplay, jokes, and riddles that involve a play on words start becoming appealing and understandable to children around the age of 3 or 5. At this age, most children have developed a sufficient grasp of language, vocabulary, and abstract thinking to appreciate the humor in wordplay and enjoy jokes that rely on double meanings, puns, and clever word manipulation.
