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in Economics by (33.3k points)
State four measures that a government in a developing country can implement to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the agricultural marketing system.

1 Answer

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by (268k points)
Best answer

1. Development of Market Infrastructure: The government invests in the development of modern market infrastructure, such as wholesale markets, cold storage facilities and transportation networks. These initiatives aim to reduce post-harvest losses, improve supply chain efficiency and ensure better price realization for farmers and producers. 

2. Market Information Systems: Implementing a reliable and up-to-date market information system helps farmers make informed decisions about when, where and at what price to sell their produce. 

3. Price Support and Minimum Support Price (MSP) Schemes: The government implements price support mechanisms and MSP schemes to provide a guaranteed minimum price for certain agricultural commodities. This ensures that farmers receive remunerative prices and reduces market price volatility, encouraging agricultural production. 

4. Farmer Cooperatives and Producer Organizations: Encouraging the formation of farmer cooperatives and producer organizations can strengthen the bargaining power of small-scale farmers. By pooling resources and collectively selling their produce, farmers can negotiate better prices with buyers and access larger markets that may have been challenging to reach individually.
