Dear Kamal,
I am happy to hear you have successfully passed the exam! I did well in all the subjects except general science and general mathematics. You asked me to know my plans after the exam, I decided to travel to Delhi and Pune. We expect our results to be announced in three months. I would like to visit Delhi and Pune during the holidays.
As you already know, my uncle lives in Delhi and Pune. He invited me to his house. I spoke to my parents, they allowed me to travel. My father has very kindly offered to go with me to Delhi. I am planning to start our journey around 2nd May. When our program is finalized, I will be sure to write you.
I hope to return home at the end of May.
What plans do you have after the exam? Please write to me.
To Mr. Kamal Sharma
Guwahati (Assam) Yours faithfully