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in English by (6.6k points)
In the poems The Frog and the Nightingale and Ozymandias, discuss how the characters' attitudes towards power and influence contribute to their respective outcomes.

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by (268k points)
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In ‘The Frog and the Nightingale,’ the frog's domineering and exploitative attitude towards power leads to the suppression and eventual demise of the nightingale. His desire for control and superiority blinds him to the nightingale's true talent and potential, resulting in her exploitation for his own gain. This attitude ultimately leads to the nightingale's tragic downfall. Similarly, in ‘Ozymandias,’ the monarch's attitude towards power is depicted through his arrogance and pride. These, coupled with belief in his own invincibility lead to the construction of a grand monument, boasting of his power and greatness. However, his arrogant attitude towards power ultimately contributes to his downfall, as the ruins of his statue stand as a testament to the fleeting nature of human achievements and the inevitability of decline. In both poems, the characters' attitudes towards power and influence play a significant role in shaping their respective outcomes, highlighting the destructive consequences of unchecked power.